Agroforestry for Livestock Farmers: Synthesis of System Descriptions
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John E Hermansen
Agroforestry for Livestock Farmers: Synthesis of System Descriptions
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John E Hermansen
Agroforestry for High Value Trees: Synthesis of System Descriptions
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Anastasia Pantera, Paul J Burgess, Nathalie Corroyer, Nuria Ferreiro-Dominguez, Juan Luis FernÃndez Lorenzo, Pilar GonzÃlez-HernÃndez, Anil Graves, Nina Malignier, Jim McAdam, Gerardo Moreno, Rosa Mosquera Losada, Antonio Rigueiro RodrÃguez, Adolfo Rosati, Matt Upson, and Philippe Van Lerberghe
Consociazioni tra colture agrarie e pascolo in uliveti
Manuale per la coltivazione consociata Olivo Asparago selvatico Pollo rustico
Manuale di progettazione del pascolo in allevamenti avicunicoli free range
Olivo Asparago selvatico, Pollo rustico – Video Giovanni Duca
MANUALE PER LA COLTIVAZIONE CONSOCIATA : Adolfo Rosati, Cesare Castellini, Alessandro Dal Bosco, Cecilia Mugnai, Andrea Paoletti
MANUALE DI PROGETTAZIONE DEL PASCOLO IN ALLEVAMENTI AVICUNICOLI FREE RANGE : Adolfo Rosati, Silvia Caporali, Alessandro Dal Bosco, Cesare Castellini
Olive Agroforestry in Kassandra, Chalkidiki, Greece
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Konstantinos Mantzanas, Vassilios Papanastasis, Anastasia Pantera, Andreas Papadopoulos
Olive Agroforestry in Molos, Central Greece
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Anastasia Pantera, Andreas Papadopoulos, Dimitrios Kitsikopoulos, Konstantinos Mantzanas, Vassilios Papanastasis, Georgios Fotiadis
Grazed Orchards in Northern Ireland
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Jim Mc Adam and Frances Ward, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Manor House, Loughgall, Co Armagh, BT61 8JB, UK
Agroforestry for Free-Range Pig Production in Denmark
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Anne Grete Kongsted and John E. Hermansen
Fodder Tree Evaluation in Galicia, Spain
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María Rosa Mosquera Losada, Nuria Ferreiro Domínguez, Juan Luis Fernández Lorenzo, Pilar González Hernández, Antonio Rigueiro Rodríguez
Agroforestry for Ruminants in France
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Sandra Novak and Jean-Claude Emile, INRA, UE Ferlus, Lusignan, France
Agroforestry for Free-Range Pig Production in Veneto Region, Italy
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Valerio Bondesan, Veneto Agriculture, Division of Research and Agro-Forestry Management, Agripolis, Legnaro (35020 – Padova, Italy)
Agroforestry for Organic Egg Production in the Netherlands
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Monique Bestman
Agroforestry for Ruminants in the Netherlands
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Boki Luske, Louis Bolk Institute
Agroforestry for Ruminants in England
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Jo Smith and Catherine Gerrard, Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Newbury RG20 0HR, UK
Poultry Agroforestry in the UK
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Jo Smith, Catherine Gerrard and Sally Westaway, Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Newbury, RG20 0HR, UK
Silvopastoral Management for Quality Wood Production in Spain
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Gerardo Moreno, M. Lourdes Lopez-Diaz and Manuel Bertomeu Garcia, Forest Research Group, University of Extremadura, Avda. Virgen del Puerto 2, 10600 Plasencia, Spain
Traditional Pollard Agroforestry in South-West France
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Philippe Van Lerberghe (Institut pour le Développement Forestier) and Nina Malignier (Association Française d’Agroforesterie)
Grazed Orchards in France
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Nathalie Corroyer, Chambre d’agriculture de Normandie, France
Grazed Orchards in England and Wales
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Paul J Burgess, Matthew Upson, Anil Graves and Silvestre Garcia de Jalon, Cranfield University, Cranfield, MK43 0AL, UK
Technical notes on sustainable organic and low-input dairying
Jo Smith, Kostantinos Zaralis, Catherine Gerrard, Susanne Padel (Organic Research Centre)
Agroforestry for livestock systems
Jo Smith, Kostantinos Zaralis, Catherine Gerrard, Susanne Padel (Organic Research Centre)
A Woodland Trust guide to Tree planting for free range poultry
Woodland Trust